Wladek Grabinski, Daniel Tomaszewski, Farzan Jazaeri, Anurag Mangla, Jean-Michel Sallese, Maria-Anna Chalkiadaki, Antonios Bazigos, and Matthias Bucher
FOSS EKV 2.6 Parameter Extractor
22nd International MIXDES Conference, pp. 181-186 (2015)
Abstract: The design of advanced integrated circuits (IC) in particular for low power analog and radio-frequency (RF) application becomes more complex as the device level modeling confronting challenges in micro- and nano-meter CMOS processes. As present CMOS technologies continue geometry scaling the designers can benefit using dedicated SPICE MOSFET models and apply specific analog design methodologies. The EKV was developed especially to meet altogether the analog/RF design requirements. This paper describes a basic set of the DC parameter extraction steps for the EKV 2.6 model. The free open source software (FOSS) Profile2D tool was used to illustrate an accurate EKV 2.6 DC extraction strategy.
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