May 20, 2011

Marie Curie PhD position in Catania, Italy

Dear Colleague,

it is a pleasure to inform you that a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher
position is available at the Institute for Microelectronics and
Microsystem of the National Research Council of Italy (IMM-CNR) in
The position is on the topic "Physical issues at interfaces and
nanoscale in advanced SiC devices", and it is open in the framework of
the FP7 Marie Curie ITN - NetFISiC (Training NETwork on Functional
Interfaces for SiC).

You can find more information on the position in the following link:

Would you please inform all the potential applicants for this position
(graduated students in Physics, Engineering or Material Science ) about
this good opportunity.

Should you need more information, contact:

Fabrizio Roccaforte
Strada VIII n.5, Zona Industriale
I-95121 Catania
tel. +39-0955968226
fax. +39-0955968312

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