Feb 27, 2009
MOS-AK/GSA merge
In January 2009, GSA merged its efforts with MOS-AK , a well-known industry compact modeling volunteer group primarily focused in Europe, t...
Feb 26, 2009
I'd like to kindly remember you that the MIXDES Conference deadline is approaching, and that they have a special session on Compact Mod...
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Spring MOS-AK Meeting at IHP in Frankfurt (Oder) // 2nd announcement
I post the mail from Wladek Grabinski: Note that the MOS-AK is in Frankfurt oder, NOT in Frankfurt.... (see the distance in this gmaps link ...
Feb 19, 2009
Variations in Analog Design
I've just seen a press release in EDN about a new tool for analysis of the impact of parametric variations on the performance of circu...
1 comment:
Feb 18, 2009
Rising salaries in technological sector in 2009?
This is not a post closely related to compact modeling, but I feel that it is relevant... I've read an article in EDN , and it seems tha...
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