Feb 26, 2009


I'd like to kindly remember you that the MIXDES Conference deadline is approaching, and that they have a special session on Compact Modelling... I paste here the relevant parts of the email from the Organizing Committee:

Due to some requests and to make this schedule less tight we would like to extend the deadline by one week, thus the paper the paper registrations and file uploads ready for scientific reviews should be completed till March 8th, 2009. Please note that the files for registered papers can be later updated till the final papers deadline (May 18th).

As the organising committee is willing to start reviewers assignment at the very beginning of March, I would like to kindly ask you to proceed with papers' basic data registration (the title, keywords, preliminary abstract) as soon as they are ready. It will be very helpful for us with the assignments. The file uploads can be completed till the deadline.

1 comment:

  1. Following MIXDES 2008 special session is also planned:

    Device level support for emerging CMOS technologies
    organised by Dr. Daniel Tomaszewski (Inst. of Electron Techn., Poland) and Dr. Władysław Grabiński (GMC Suisse, Switzerland)
