Jan 28, 2025

[paper] SPICE Modeling of a Radiation Sensor

Miloš Marjanović 1, Stefan D. Ilić 2, Sandra Veljković 1, Nikola Mitrović 1, Umutcan Gurer 3, Ozan Yilmaz 3, Aysegul Kahraman 4, Aliekber Aktag 3, Huseyin Karacali 3, Erhan Budak 3, Danijel Danković 1, Goran Ristić 1 and Ercan Yilmaz 3
The SPICE Modeling of a Radiation Sensor Based on a MOSFET
with a Dielectric HfO2/SiO2 Double-Layer
Sensors 2025, 25(2), 546; DOI:10.3390/s25020546

1 Department of Microelectronics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia
2 Center of Microelectronic Technologies, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
3 Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
4 Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Bursa Uludag University, Turkey

Abstract: We report on a procedure for extracting the SPICE model parameters of a RADFET sensor with a dielectric HfO2/SiO2 double-layer. RADFETs, traditionally fabricated as PMOS transistors with SiO2, are enhanced by incorporating high-k dielectric materials such as HfO2 to reduce oxide thickness in modern radiation sensors. The fabrication steps of the sensor are outlined, and model parameters, including the threshold voltage and transconductance, are extracted based on experimental data. Experimental setups for measuring electrical characteristics and irradiation are described, and a method for determining model parameters dependent on the accumulated dose is provided. A SPICE model card is proposed, including parameters for two dielectric thicknesses: (30/10) nm and (40/5) nm. The sensitivities of the sensors are 1.685mV/Gy and 0.78mV/Gy, respectively. The model is calibrated for doses up to 20Gy, and good agreement between experimental and simulation results validates the proposed model.

FIG: (a) Block diagram of the radiation source setup; 
(b) radiation setup in the TENMAK lab.

The corresponding SPICE model card is presented below:
.MODEL RADFET PMOS VTO={if(TYPE==1,-0.493-(1.54e-3*DOSE),-0.65433-(7.54E-4*DOSE))}
+KP={if(TYPE==1,8.897e-6-(1.493e-8*DOSE),1.14E-5-(2.511E-9*DOSE))} L=50e-6 W=600e-6
+TPG=0 LAMBDA={if(TYPE==1,3.901E-2-(2.165E-4*DOSE),2.0115E-2-(1.8575E-4*DOSE))}

Acknowledgements: This research was funded by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) SPS MYP under grant number G5974, by the project “High-k Dielectric RADFET for Detection of RN Treats”, and supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia [grant number 451-03-65/2024-03/200102 and grant number 451-03-66/2024-03/200026].

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