Sep 25, 2023

[workshop] gdsfactory

gdsfactory workshop, UCSB Photonics Society
August 24, 2023 in Henley Hall, UCSB

The first gdsfactory hands-on workshop organized as part of the  UCSB  Photonics Society. Thomas Dorch from Freedom Photonics and Andrei Isichenko presented gdsfactory. Last year gdsfactory seminar by Joaquin Matres, the maintainer of gdsfactory - you can access the video recording here. This workshop was a hands on; things to do before the workshop

  1. Install anaconda python 3 on your computer. If you don't have it installed, the links below are for miniconda, a "lightweight" version of anaconda. Windows: link. Mac: link (select if Intel or M1).
  2. Download a Python IDE. Either Visual Studio Code or Pycharm. Personally I prefer VS Code
  3. Download klayout. Windows: link. Mac: link (works on M1 mac, Ventura 13.4).

gdsfactory team will be running the tutorial using python notebooks (.ipynb). These can be run through JupyterLab, VS code (install this extension), or through Google Colab. You have the option to skip all the steps above and run the notebooks entirely in Google Colab (but with some limitations in klayout integration). You can try it out using this notebooks in this repository, focused on workshop_part1.ipynb. In Google Drive you should have the option to select "open with Google Colaboratory"

Click the "Open in Colab" link above to get started, and save a copy of the notebook to your Google Drive.

Google Drive Links to the notebooks:

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