Mar 29, 2023

[paper] Extraction and Automated FEMM Creation of a Transformer SPICE Model

Denys I. Zaikin
Extraction of Transformer Parameters from FEMM Simulations 
and Automated Creation of a Transformer SPICE Model Using a Scripting Language
TechRxiv. Preprint. DOI 10.36227/techrxiv.22263358.v1

*Advent Technologies A/S Lyngvej 8, Aalborg, 9000, Denmark e-mail:

Abstract: This study presents a method for extracting transformer parameters using simulations in the Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) electromagnetic solver. The extracted parameters represent a full model of a linear transformer and can be used in Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) simulations. A model of the transformer is presented in three variants, for which different approaches were used in the transformer simulation in the SPICE program, all yielding the same simulation results. A method for extracting transformer parameters from FEMM is proposed, along with an automated tool based on a scripting language built into the FEMM software [Online open souce]
FIG: An example of the simulation setup in FEMM 
and transformer equivalent circuits SPICE Pi-model

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