Feb 3, 2022

[ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2022] Call for Papers

Paper submission is open!
Submission deadline: Apr 12, 2022 23:59 (GMT -0700)
Decision notification: May 31, 2022 23:59 (GMT -0700)

The aim of ESSCIRC and ESSDERC is to provide an annual European forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in solid-state devices and circuits. The level of integration for system-on- chip design is rapidly increasing. This is made available by advances in semiconductor technology. Therefore, more than ever before, a deeper interaction among technologists, device experts, IC designers and system designers is necessary. While keeping separate Technical Program Committees, ESSCIRC and ESSDERC are governed by a common Steering Committee and share Plenary Keynote Presentations and Joint Sessions bridging both communities. Attendees registered for either conference are encouraged to attend any of the scheduled parallel sessions, regardless to which conference they belong.

Manuscript guidelines as well as instructions on how to submit electronically will be available on this website. Papers must not exceed four A4 pages with all illustrations and references included.

Papers submitted for review must clearly state:
•The purpose of the work
•How and to what extent it advances the state-of-the art
•Specific results and their impact

Only work that has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere will be considered. Submission of a paper for review and subsequent acceptance is considered as a commitment that the work will not be publicly available prior to the conference. After selection of papers, the authors will be informed about the decision of the Technical Program Committee by e-mail by 31 May 2022.

At the same time, the complete program will be published on the conference website. A binary feedback (accepted/rejected) with no comments will be provided to the authors. An oral presentation will be given at the Conference for each accepted paper. No-shows will result in the exclusion of the papers from any conference related publication. The submitted final PDF files should be IEEE Xplore compliant.

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