Jun 29, 2021

[paper] Nano Device Simulator

Zlatan Stanojevic , Member, IEEE, Chen-Ming Tsai, Georg Strof, Ferdinand Mitterbauer, Oskar Baumgartner, Member, IEEE, Christian Kernstock, and Markus Karner, Member, IEEE
Nano Device Simulator - A Practical Subband-BTE Solver for Path-Finding and DTCO
in IEEE TED, Open Access, June 2021
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3079884.
Global TCAD Solutions GmbH, 1010 Vienna

Abstract: We present an in-depth discussion on the subband Boltzmann transport (SBTE) methodology, its evolution, and its application to the simulation of nanoscale MOSFETs. The evolution of the method is presented from the point of view of developing a commercial general purpose SBTE solver, the GTS nano device simulator (NDS). We show a wide range of applications SBTE is suited for, including state-of-the-art nonplanar and well-established planar technologies. It is demonstrated how SBTE can be employed both as a path-finding tool and a fundamental component in a DTCO-flow. 
Fig: NDS simulation of a device generated using level-set topography simulation; left: level-set generated FinFET with complex warped surfaces, typical of topography simulation; the analytical doping is shown; middle: the SBTE domain is cut out of the device and meshed using an extruded grid, and mixed with the mesh of the rest of the device; cuts are then extracted from the SBTE domain and remeshed; right: electron drift velocity in the FinFET, DD versus SBTE; the SBTE result clearly shows the velocity overshoot effect not seen in the DD solution.

Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank Dr. Edward Chen for many fruitful discussions and the continued valuable feedback.

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