Nov 19, 2020

[paper] HEMT RF/Analog Performance

M. Khaouani1,H. Bencherif2, A. Hamdoune1, A. Belarbi3, Z. Kourdi4
RF/analog Performance Assessment of High Frequency, Low Power In0.3Al0.7As/InAs/InSb/In0.3Al0.7As HEMT Under High Temperature Effect
Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers 2020
DOI: 10.1007/s42341-020-00250-8

1 Department of Genie Electric and Electronics, Unit Research of Material and Renewable Energies, University Aboubek Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algeria
2 LAAAS Laboratory, University of Batna 2, Batna, Algeria
3 Center Exploitation Telecommunication Satellite– Bouchaoui-Alger, Algeria Space Agency, Algiers, Algeria
4 Center Exploitation Telecommunication Satellite– Oran-Alger, Algeria Space Agency, Algiers, Algeria

In0.3Al0.7As/InAs/InSb/In0.3Al0.7As In this paper, we performed a Pseudo-morphic High Electron Mobility Transistors (pHEMT) In0.3Al0.7As/InAs/InSb/In0.3Al0.7As using commercial TCAD. RF and analog electrical characteristics are assessed under high temperature effect. The impact of the temperature is evaluated referring to a device at room temperature. In particular, the threshold voltage (Vth), transconductance (gm), and Ion/Ioff ratio are calculated in the temperature range of 300K to 700K. The primary device exhibits a drain current of 950mA, a Vth of -1.75V, a high value of gm of 650 mS/mm, Ion/Ioff ratio of 1E6, a transition frequency (fT) of 790GHz, and a maximum frequency (fmax) of 1.4THz. The achieved results show that increasing temperature act to decrease current, reduce gm, and Ion/Ioff ratio. In more detail high temperature causes a phonon scattering mechanism happening that determine in turn a reduced drain current and shift positively the threshold voltage resulting in hindering the device DC/AC capability. 
Fig: 2D cross section of In0.3Al0.7As/InAs/InSb/In0.3Al0.7AsAs PHEMT

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