Jul 17, 2020

[paper] FD-SOI CMOS RF FoM

28-nm FD-SOI CMOS RF Figures of Merit Down to 4.2 K
Lucas Nyssens1 (Graduate Student Member, IEEE), Arka Halder1, Babak Kazemi Esfeh1,
Nicolas Planes2, Denis Flandre1 (Senior Member, IEEE), Valeriya Kilchytska1
and Jean-Pierre Raskin1 (Fellow, IEEE)
IEEE J-EDS, vol. 8, pp. 646-654, 2020,
DOI: 10.1109/JEDS.2020.3002201
1UCL, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (B) 2ST-Microelectronics, 38920 Crolles (F)

Abstract: This work presents a detailed RF characterization of 28nm FD-SOI nMOSFETs at cryogenic temperatures down to 4.2K. Two main RF Figures of Merit (FoMs), i.e., current-gain cutoff frequency (fT) and maximum oscillation frequency (fmax), as well as parasitic elements of the small-signal equivalent circuit, are extracted from the measured S-parameters. An improvement of up to ∼130GHz in fT and ∼75GHz in fmax is observed for the shortest device (25nm) at low temperature. The behavior of RF FoMs versus temperature is discussed in terms of small-signal equivalent circuit elements, both intrinsic and extrinsic (parasitics). This study suggests 28nm FD-SOI nMOSFETs as a good candidate for future cryogenic applications down to 4.2K and clarifies the origin and limitations of the performance.
FIG: Small-signal equivalent circuit of the RF MOSFETs

Aknowledgement: This work was supported in part by Eniac “Places2Be” and in part by Ecsel “Waytogofast” Projects. The work of Lucas Nyssens was supported by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS. This paper is based on a paper entitled “28 FDSOI RF Figures of Merit Down to 4.2 K,” presented at the 2019 IEEE S3S Conference.

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