Jan 9, 2019

Compact Transcapacitance Model for Short Channel DG FinFETs

(Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Microwave and THz Technologies and Wireless Comm.)
Ashkhen Yesayan
Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics
Alikhanian Brothers str. 1, 0203 Ashtarak, Armenia
Received 15 November 2018

Abstract: A compact capacitance model is developed accounting for small-geometry effects in FinFETs. While decreasing the channel length, the transcapacitance model becomes very sensitive to all short channel effects, both in moderate and strong inversion regimes. In addition, for short channel devices, we need to take into account the inter-electrode capacitive coupling in the subthreshold regime, which is not significant for long channel devices. The quantum mechanical effects, which are very significant for thin Fins, are included in the model. The effect of mobility degradation on C-V characteristics is also demonstrated. The model was validated with numerical 3D Atlas simulations and a good accuracy of the model has been demonstrated in all operating regimes.

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