Oct 15, 2018

FOSDEM 2019 CAD and Open Hardware Devroom Call for Participation

This is the call for participation in the FOSDEM 2019 devroom on Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools and Open Hardware, to be held on Sunday 3 February 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. We are looking for contributions under the form of talks and tutorials covering the following main topics:
  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design tools (e.g. KiCad and gEDA)
  • Analogue and digital simulators (e.g. ngspice, Qucs, Gnucap, Xyce, GHDL, Icarus and Verilator)
  • Any other EDA tools such as high-level tools for digital hardware design (e.g. Migen) and HDL synthesis tools (e.g. Yosys)
  • Field solvers such as openEMS
  • Mechanical 2D and 3D CAD tools such as LibreCAD, FreeCAD, OpenSCAD and SolveSpace
  • Open Hardware projects such as the Teres laptop and the lowRISC SoC
  • Inter-project opportunities for collaboration
We hope to provide an opportunity for attendees to bring themselves up to date on the latest FOSS CAD and Open Hardware developments, share knowledge and identify opportunities to collaborate on development tasks. This devroom is an evolution of the EDA devroom we organised in 2015, 2016 and 2017, which enlarged its scope in the CAD and Open
Hardware devroom in 2018.

Please submit your proposals at
before 1 December 2018.

Important dates
8 December 2018: deadline for submission of proposals
15 December 2018: announcement of final schedule
3 February 2019: devroom day

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