Aug 17, 2017

[mos-ak] [Workshop Program] 15th MOS-AK ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Workshop in Leuven Sept.11 2017

15th MOS-AK ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Compact Modeling Workshop
Leuven; Monday Sept.11, 2017 (8:30-17:00)
Workshop Program online 

Together with International MOS-AK Board of R&D Advisers: Larry Nagel, Omega Enterprises Consulting (USA), Andrei Vladimirescu, UCB (USA); ISEP (FR) and Jean-Michel Sallese, EPFL (CH), Daniel Tomaszewski, ITE (PL), MOS-AK Technical Program Coordinators as well as all the Extended MOS-AK TPC Members, we have pleasure to invite to the 15th consecutive MOS-AK workshop organized as an integral part of the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Conferences in Leuven on Sept.11, 2017. The MOS-AK workshop is organized with aims to strengthen a network and discussion forum among experts in the field, enhance open platform for information exchange related to the compact/SPICE modeling and its Verilog-A standardization, bring people in the compact modeling field together, as well as obtain feedback from technology developers, circuit designers, and CAD/EDA tool developers and vendors. 

Final Program of 15th MOS-AK ESSDERC/ESSCIC Workshop is available online:

(Parkstraat 45, 3000 Leuven) 
room AV 91.12

Online MOS-AK/Leuven Workshop Registration:
(any related inquiries can be sent to

The MOS-AK workshop will be followed by four session of the ESSDERC Track4 "Device and Circuit Compact Modeling". These four lecture sessions include one invited and 14 pear reviewed papers in the compact/SPICE modeling and Verilog-A standardization domain:

Tuesday September 12, 2017 (11:00-12:20)
Chair: Wladek Grabinski - MOS-AK; Cristell Maneux - U-Bordeaux;
Tuesday September 12, 2017 (14:00-15:20)
Chair: Thierry Poiroux - CEA
Tuesday September 12, 2017 (16:40-18:00)
Chair: Jean-Michel Sallese - EPFL; Daniel Tomaszewski - ITE;
Wednesday September 13, 2017 (14:20-15:40)
Chair: Benjamin Iniguez - URV; Sadayuki Yoshitomi - Toshiba;

MOS-AK Postworkshop Publications:
Selected best MOS-AK technical presentation will be recommended for further publication


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