Jun 13, 2016

Programme of the 4th Training Course on Compact Modeling

The 4th Training Course on Compact Modeling (TCCM) will take place in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain) from June 27 to 28 2016.

The 4th TCCM is partially sponsored by the DOMINO EU H2020 project. It will consist a series of lectures conducted by prestigious researchers in the field of modeling of semiconductor devices, dealing with several issues related to the semiconductor device modeling, mostly compact/SPICE modeling. It is a very interesting event to PhD students and young researchers, but can interest senior researchers too. These lectures will be conducted by top experts in the field. 

No doubt the 4th TCCM will be useful to researchers working on compact modeling, but also to researchers working on circuit design, numerical modeling, device characterization and semiconductor device technology.

TCCM is organized by the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Control Engineering (DEEEiA) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), in Tarragona. The General Chair of TCCM is Prof. Benjamin Iñiguez, who is also the Coordinator of the DOMINO project.

Programme of TCCM:

June 27 2016

Benjamin Iñiguez (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
"Compact modeling for biological applications".
Morgan Madec (Université de Strasbourg, France)
"TCAD and semiclassical device modeling"
 Christoph Jungemann (RWTH-AAchen, Germany)
Coffe Break
"Modeling and experimental verification of mechanical stress effects in  ultra-thin Si MOSFET devices integrated into flexible packages. "
Heidrun Alus (AdMOS GmbH, Germany)
"Device simulation for Organic Electronics using GENIUS"
Heinz Olav Müller (Plastic Logic GmbH, Germany))
"TCAD for compact model development"
Ahmed Nejim (Silvaco Europe Ltd. , UK)
"Modelling of Amorphous-Oxide-Semiconductors TFTs for large-area flexible electronics"
Fabrizio Torricelli (University of Brescia, Italy)
Gala Dinner

June 28 2016

8:45-14:00  Mini-Colloquium on Compact Modeling and Parameter Extraction
"An Integrated Approach for Circuit Performance and Reliability Simulation"
Mansun Chan (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
"Static and dynamic characterization of SiC based MOSFETs/IGBTs"
Muhammad Nawaz (ABB Sweden)
Coffee Break
“Model parameter extraction”
Antonio Cerdeira (CINVESTAV Mexico)
"Compact modeling for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs"
Benjamin Iñiguez (URV)
"Application of compact models for organic circuit design"
Eugenio Cantatore (TU-Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
« Mathematical and Semi-physical compact modeling for emerging technologies”
Firas Mohamed (Infiniscale, France)
End of the Training Course

Besides, on June 29 1016, the  Workshop on Flexible Electronics (WFE) will take place in Tarragona, too. Attendees to TCCM who work on Flexible Electronics (not necessarily modeling) will have a chance to present recent results on their own. But WFE is open to all researchers.

Registration to both events is open. It is possible to register only to TCCM, or only to WFE or to both. It is quite cheap, in partular for students, and includes lunches, coffee breaks, and in the case of TCCM, a gala dinner.

Finally, on June 30-July 1 the Annual Graduate Student Meeting on Electronic Engineering will be held, consisting of plenary talks by prestigious researchers and student presentations. Registration is free.

I encourage researchers on semiconductor devices and circuit design to attend TCCM!

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