Aug 6, 2015

Best Practices for Compact Modeling in Verilog-A

Mcandrew, C.C.; Coram, G.J.; Gullapalli, K.K.; Jones, J.R.; Nagel, L.; Roy, A.S.; Roychowdhury, J.; Scholten, A.J.; Smit, G.D.J.; Wang, X.; Yoshitomi, S., "Best Practices for Compact Modeling in Verilog-A," Electron Devices Society, IEEE Journal of the , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1

doi: 10.1109/JEDS.2015.2455342

Abstract: Verilog-A is the de facto standard language that the semiconductor industry uses to define compact models. Unfortunately, it is easy to write models poorly in Verilog-A, and this can lead to unphysical model behavior, poor convergence, and difficulty in understanding and maintaining model codes. This paper details best practices for writing compact models in Verilog-A, to try to help raise the quality of compact modeling throughout the industry.

keywords: Capacitance, Computational modeling, Convergence, Hardware design languages, Integrated circuit modeling, Mathematical model, Numerical models

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