Oct 13, 2014

Wearable Sensing and Computing

 Wearable Sensing and Computing 
 05.11.2014 - 06.11.2014
 EPFL Lausanne (CH)

The course main objective is to inform and discuss in great details the latest advancements in low power sensing technology, energy harvesting and their heterogeneous integration for wearable smart system applications. Technological roadmaps of performance and future evolutions will be presented. The low power wireless communications are discussed from the point of view of existing standards and challenges for reducing the energy per communicated bit. Another objective is to detail some key future applications for wearable sensing and computing with main emphasis on: (1) medical Diagnostics, monitoring and prevention and (2) sports, fitness and activity monitoring applications. We analyze the benefits of autonomous smart system technology from many different points of view, including that of the individual, the physician, health care management, and society in general. We provide a rationale on the role of such technology as a component of the care cycle and the changes it can induce by reinforcing preventive strategies.

AGENDA on-line
Day 1 (09:00 – 17:00):

  • Introduction to wearable technology and energy efficient functions for autonomous smart systems
  • Energy efficient computing technologies and their importance for wearable applications:
  • Wearable low power sensor technology trends
  • Wearable low power communications technologies
  • Wearable energy harvesting technology trends

Day 2 (09:00 – 17:00):

  • Heterogeneous integration: solutions, roadmaps and trends for wearables
  • Context-driven embodiments by wearable systems and related applications and services
  • Market Trends for Mobile and Wearable Technology
  • Wearable autonomous smart systems: Applications to Medical Diagnostics, Monitoring and Prevention Paradigms using Feedback Loops
  • Wearable Technology – Sports, Fitness and Activity Monitoring Applications
Course registration on-line

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