May 16, 2012

[mos-ak] MOS-AK/GSA Dresden workshop on-line publications

MOS-AK/GSA Dresden workshop on-line publications are available, visit: 

The MOS-AK/GSA Modeling Working Group, a global compact modeling standardization forum, held its annual spring workshop on April 26-27, 2012 at the Design Automation Division EAS of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS in Dresden, Germany. More than 50 international academic researchers and modeling engineers attended four sessions to hear 16 technical compact modeling talks and poster presentations. The MOS-AK/GSA Modeling Working Group organized the event supported by Joachim Haase Fraunhofer IIS/EAS in Dresden, and a complementary X-FAB clean room visit, poster session and open networking event was hosted by Alexander Petr, X-FAB in Dresden.

As a result of an unfolded compact modeling discussion, the MOS-AK Group followed recommendation of Alexander Petr, X-FAB, a member of the Extended MOS-AK/GSA Compact Modeling Committee, to create a compact modeling open directory (CMOD: The directory will list available SPICE/Compact models including Verilog-A models for an extensive range of the semiconductor devices. The MOS-AK/GSA Group believes that the CMOD initiative will also stimulate further compact model developments for inter domain technologies and multidisciplinary applications.

The MOS-AK/GSA Dresden Press Note can be found here: 
and selected workshop photos are here:

I hope, we would have a next chance to meet us with your academic and industrial partners at future MOS-AK/GSA modeling events (check the list below).

- with regards - WG (for the MOS-AK/GSA Committee
MIXDES Special Modeling Sesion Warsaw (PL) May 24-26, 2012
COMON Tranining Course Tarragona (SP) June 28-19, 2012 
MOS-AK/GSA Bordeaux (F) Sept.21, 2012 
MOS-AK/GSA San Francisco, CA Q4 2012 

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