Mar 20, 2012

SWOT Analysis of the Technology/Design Ecosystem", Lausanne, 30-31 May 2012

NANO-TEC Workshop 3; SWOT Analysis of Technology-Design Ecosystem: The event is part of the Coordination Action funded by the FP7 under the ICT theme, titled “ECOSYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY and DESIGN for NANOELECTRONICS” (NANO-TEC). The project started on 1 September 2010 and it aims at identifying the emerging generation of device concepts and technologies for ICT, as well as to build a joint technology-design community in order to coordinate research efforts in nanoelectronics in the European research area. 
The third workshop will tackle the topics of Solid-state quantum computing, Molecular Electronics, Nanowires, Spintronics, Graphene, MEMS and Neuromorphic Computing; finally, a panel discussion on the bridge in design from technology to application will close the event. All this will lead to the preparation of the fourth and final NANO-TEC workshop, to take place in Autumn 2012, which will provide a set of recommendations on the most promising devices and technologies identified and for future technology-design integration. In preparation for the workshop you can now join the forum available online at the following link: 

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