Apr 23, 2010

[mos-ak] MOS-AK/GSA Rome workshop on-line publications

MOS-AK/GSA Rome workshop on-line publications are available:

I would like to thank all MOS-AK speakers and poster presenters for
sharing their compact modeling competence, R&D experience and
delivering valuable MOS-AK presentations. I am sure, that our modeling
event in Rome was beneficial to all MOS-AK Workshop attendees.

Organization of our modeling event would not be possible without our
generous sponsor: Agilent Technologies, Micron and Micron Foundation
as well as the IEEE EDS, technical co-sponsor. I also would like to
personally acknowledge local organizers, in particular, Professors
Fernanda Irrera and Marco Balucani for their dedication, commitment.
My very special 'thank you' goes to Angela Gatto and Paolo Nenzi not
only for providing smooth workshop logistics.

I hope, we would have a next chance to meet all of you and your
academic and industrial partners at future MOS-AK/GSA modeling events
(listed below).

-- with regards - WG (for the MOS-AK/GSA)
* London: May 18-19, www.gsaglobal.org
* Tarragona: Jun.30-Jul.1 www.compactmodelling.eu/an_details.php?anID=14
* Wroclaw: June 24-26 www.mixdes.org/Special_sessions.htm
* Seville: Sept. 17 www.mos-ak.org/seville http://www.essderc2010.org/
* San Francisco: Dec'10 www.mos-ak.org

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