Aug 15, 2009

ICMTS 2010

The IEEE 2010 ICMTS (International Conference Microelectronic Test Structures) has launched the final call for papers (deadline: Sept. 18, 2009). Authors are asked to submit a two or three page extended abstract in PDF file format (font-embedded) including a 500- to 1500-word summary, major figures, and data for review. ICMTS'10 will be held between March 22 – 25, 2010, in Hiroshima (Japan), and there is a suggested topic including "Device and Circuit Modeling, Parameter Extraction RF device modeling".

I imagine that the developers of the well known HiSIM models, who work in the Hiroshima University, will be around, so this conference can be a bussiness oportunity for compact model developers and users, including circuit designers.

The conference will be preceded by a one-day Tutorial Short Course on Microelectronic Test Structures on March 22, 2010. There will be an equipment exhibition relating to test structure measurements. A Best Paper award will be presented by the Technical Program Committee.

ICMTS has always an excellent social programme. There is always a very interesting excursion tour, and a wonderful gala dinner. And the Hiroshima cuisine is delicious...

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