Jul 17, 2009

Lynguent Debuts Radiation Hardened By Design, BSIM4 Compact Model Toolkits

Lynguent®, Inc., announced two new toolkits for its ModLyng[tm] Integrated Modeling Environment (IME): Radiation Hardened By Design (RHBD) Toolkit and BSIM4 Compact Model Toolkit. The RHBD Toolkit includes models and tools which provide a modeling and analysis capability for Single Event Upset (SEU) behaviors in deep sub-micro processes. The BSIM4 Compact Model Toolkit includes a high fidelity BSIM4 model which provides more flexibility than has ever been available for adding new effects to existing processes built upon the BSIM foundation. These toolkits, when used with the ModLyng IME, enable semiconductor and systems companies to easily enhance their IC design flows with radiation SEU capability and thus save weeks in qualifying their designs and cell libraries for radiation hardness.


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