Sep 26, 2008

MOS-AK Meeting in San Francisco!

For the first time there will be a third MOS-AK meeting in one year, and for the first time, the MOS-AK Meeting will be held outside Europe!

In December 2008 a MOS-AK meeting will take place in San Francisco, California, co-located with two important events: the Compact Modeling Council (CMC) Meeting and IEDM'2008.

The call for abstracts is open. If you are interesting in making one presentation, please contact Wladek Grabinski: ")'>

The MOS-AK meeting is one of the main forums on compact modeling in Europe. So far, two editions of the meeting were held: one in spring and another one in September, co-located with the ESSDERC and ESSCIRC conferences. Of course, most of the participants use to be from Europe. It will be very interesting to have a MOS-AK meeting in the US, and have an active participation of compact model developers from America!

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