Oct 7, 2007


The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) is coming...
It will take place in San Jose, California on November 5-8. The venue will be the Double Tree Hotel in San Jose..

ICCAD is one of the top conferences in electronic design conference. This year it will be its 25th anniversary.

The program of the 25th Edition of ICCAD is truly interesting. On Monday 5 there will be 4 half-day tutorials and 1 full-day tutorial, all of them conducted by very prestigeous researchers. The selected papers are all of high quality. ICCAD is a very competitive conference, which carries out a careful selection of the papers submitted. Less than one third of the submissions are accepted.

Besides, there are there are 4 embedded tutorials addressing topics from nano-photonic circuits over physical synthesis and formal verification to compact device modeling for 45 nm and below.

The program will also be complemented with with 2 top-notch plenary keynote speakers: Jeff Welser, Director of the SRC National Nanoelectronics Research Initiative, and John Kibarian, CEO of PDF Solutions.

Modeling is one of the topics of ICCAD. One of the embedded tutorials will address compact device modeling for 45 nm and below, and it will be presented by Kevin Cao and Colin McAndrew. But in ICCAD other modeling issues are emphasized: power modeling, reliability modeling, interconnect modeling , variability modeling, and timing modeling.

In fact, one of the tutorials is entitled Modeling Deterministic Timing and Reliability Effects in Sub-65 nm Flows, and will be conducted by S. Pullela, C. Kashyap and B. McGaughy.

Certainly ICCAD will be a very interesting place to learn and discover the latest new research developments in electronic design technology, and to exchange ideas about the challenges and solutions for the design nanoscale integrated circuits.

And Happy Birthday to ICCAD!

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