Feb 28, 2020
#paper: M. Albrecht, F. J. Klüpfel and T. Erlbacher, "An Iterative Surface Potential Algorithm Including Interface Traps for Compact Modeling of SiC-MOSFETs," in IEEE TED, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 855-862, March 2020 doi: 10.1109/TED.2020.2967507 https://t.co/8fJMfKM9SP https://t.co/nlRiSs1Qf0
#paper : M. Albrecht, F. J. Klüpfel and T. Erlbacher, "An Iterative Surface Potential Algorithm Including Interface Traps for Compact...
Feb 25, 2020
#paper: Thomas, S. Guiding the design of #negative-#capacitance #FETs. Nat Electron 3, 72 (2020). https://t.co/clMVy6syW9 https://t.co/zh8N3ynGIx https://t.co/s3KFFkQ8lT
#paper : Thomas, S. Guiding the design of #negative - #capacitance #FETs . Nat Electron 3, 72 (2020). https://t.co/clMVy6syW9 https://t.c...
#Opensource licenses: What, which, and why https://t.co/kZlEUC5CQE https://t.co/G1WotNhQp8
#Opensource licenses: What, which, and why https://t.co/kZlEUC5CQE pic.twitter.com/G1WotNhQp8 — Wladek Grabinski (@wladek60) February 25...
Fwd: IEEE-EDS Santa Clara Valley/San Francisco Chapter March Seminar
We are pleased to announce our monthly seminar for March Wide Bandgap Devices Enabling High Power and High Frequency Electronics Speaker: P...
[mos-ak] [Final Program] 2nd Latin America MOS-AK Workshop at LAEDC
2nd Latin America MOS-AK Workshop at LAEDC (co-located with LAEDC /LASCAS) Escazu, Costa Rica, February 25, 2020 < http://www.mos-ak.org/...
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