Jul 30, 2019
[mos-ak] Joint ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Tutorial in Krakow (PL) on Sept.23, 2019
Joint ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Tutorial: Nanoscale Technology – Transistor Modeling – IC Design Auditorium Maximum, the Jagiellonian Univers...
Jul 23, 2019
#IEEE Update of the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (#IRDS) Sets Course for Computer and Electronics Industry Growth https://t.co/WwvxXl4Sq8 #paper https://t.co/ZOwLjWV0Sr
#IEEE Update of the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems ( #IRDS ) Sets Course for Computer and Electronics Industry Growth https...
Looking for #Quality in #TCAD-Based Papers #IEEE #TED: “What is the definition of high quality?” In this editorial, at least partially, this question is addressed. https://t.co/c1G0YXgIdD #paper https://t.co/MbhLzUa4AZ
Looking for #Quality in #TCAD -Based Papers #IEEE #TED : “What is the definition of high quality?” In this editorial, at least partially,...
#IBM gives #cancer_killing drug AI project to the #OpenSource community | ZDNet https://t.co/GdgoUmx5UT https://t.co/lfC2v7MuFP
#IBM gives #cancer_killing drug AI project to the #OpenSource community | ZDNet https://t.co/GdgoUmx5UT pic.twitter.com/lfC2v7MuFP — W...
CODEOCEAN: Charge-Based Modeling of Long-Channel Symmetric Double-Gate Junction FETs
CODEOCEAN capsule written in OCTAVE which calculates the current and transconductances (gm, gmd and gms) using the charge based approach i...
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