Jan 30, 2009
10.000 visits!!!
We've just got 10.000 visits, which is not too bad considering the quite restricted audience.... Thank you very much for your support!!!...
2009 Spring MOS-AK Meeting
--- Spring MOS-AK Meeting --- April 2-3 2008 at IHP GmbH in Frankfurt (Oder) --- 1st announcement On behalf of the MOS-AK Organizing Committ...
Jan 23, 2009
A post in EDN: Simulation gets speed, capacity boost
A nice article to read. It's not very technical, but interesting anyway (may because of its not-technicallity...). I copy a paragraph: ...
Jan 15, 2009
Papers in Solid-State Electronics
Many interesting papers in the Jan-09 issue of Solid-State Electronics : Surface potential equation for bulk MOSFET , by G. Gildenblat, Z. Z...
A helping aid for paper writing...
By the way, let me present you a very useful tool for paper writing.... Thanks to PhD Comics !
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